Saturday 6 December 2014

Final Assessment- Evaluation of my final images (Group B), [Make-up artist: Mihaela Solomei (Group A)]

Grade Given - B3

Although on the final assessment day on my makeup, the gold lines are not balanced and straight, didn't covered the white base on the neck very well, the black eye shadow and the lips shape are not balanced, but overall, I'm impressed about the final appearance of it. Because we have practiced during and outside the lesson and we have communicated with each other about the design, I think the final look was still successfully done and I was happy about it. I like the white base that Mihaela did on my face and I think the smudging red lips was done successfully as well. On the assessment day, she provided the makeup products which were used to complete the makeup look, but she forgot to bring an apron for the model (me). Also, some of her products and tools are not labelled from her kit. On the assessment day, maybe I think she was a bit nervous, she did not performed as good as the makeup look that she did when we practiced.

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