Saturday 6 December 2014

Final assessment - Images of my final design (MUA: Mihaela Solomei, Designer and model: Hoi Io Leong)

This is final design makeup look which was done by Mihaela Solomei. I have painted the eggshells for her to stick them on my face and the layout of the eggshells are what I want my design to be and also I think she did a great job on putting the black eye shadow around the eggshells and create the shadows for them. I think she has done well on blocking the eyebrows and also the red smudging lips for my design. For the neck area, I have told Mihaela during the practices that I've got a collar for my final shoot and she need to cover the neck with white base at least half way down the neck. But during the final assessment, she just did one thin layer of white base and blend it with the powder brush which on the photo, you can see the colour difference between the neck and the face which has got two layers of white base on. The black eye shadow, the lip shape and the gold lines are not balanced on my final look and also on my design, the gold lines go straight starting from the eyes and then extend it to the brows, but the final look that Mihaela did didn't results a straight line, it looks like curves instead which is different from my design. I think she did better when we did the practices and maybe she was worried about the timing problem during the final assessment day.

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