Saturday 6 December 2014

Final Evaluation

By doing research and learning how to complete an Elizabethan look, it allows me to understand more about the history of the Elizabethans and gives me ideas of how to create my own version of Elizabethan look. By developing my research, I’ve created five designs and tried the look on myself to see what works well and what doesn’t. Then, I’ve developed my final design further by experiment with different compositions, e.g. the smudging lips and eye makeup. After practicing the makeup look inside and outside the lesson, it helps me and my partner to sort out problems and understand more about each other's design. Although there were imperfections on the final makeup look that I’ve done of Mihaela’s design, I was still satisfied because I think the eyeliners look better than before and after many practices, I’ve improved and tried my best to balance the two sides of the eyeliners. For my final design, in order to improve, I think Mihaela should balance the lip shape, eye shadow and the gold lines more and the makeup she did on the final assessment day was different to my design as the gold lines wasn’t straight and it results curves instead. Also, she can try her final makeup look on herself so it will be more clearly for me to follow what she want her design to be. I think it is interesting to be the role of makeup artist doing makeup of my partner's design and also the role of designer because I’ve learnt new techniques and experience how to give and take instructions. I feel I have created a combination of traditional and contemporary Elizabethan style using my creativity and it fits in the topic ‘The New Elizabethans’ successfully.

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