Friday 24 October 2014

Contemporary Portrait that presents wealth

2NE1 CL wore designs by Jeremy Scott for 'Ketchup' magazine on December 2012.

I have chosen the photo above of CL on the 'Ketchup' magazine cover to demonstrate wealth. I think it is a very good example to present wealth because of how it features many bold accessories such as gold chain, matching with gold earrings, sunglasses, claw ring and the gold blonde hair. Especially the use of the colour scheme gold, it helps to present wealth as gold is the colour of luxury, quality and value. Also, the psychology of colour gold implies material wealth, affluence and extravagance. The gold flourish silk bomber jacket and the scarf print dress that Jeremy Scott design symbolised wealth as silk is a expensive material and also how the scarf print dress have got some gold chain patterns on it. The pose of CL look confident and sassy on the cover and the pale skin, bright red lips are very eye-catching which symbolise power and confidence as well.

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