Tuesday 28 October 2014

Halloween Makeup

In class, we were given three skull makeup looks and I have chosen the makeup look from below and recreate it with my creativity. The reason I choose this makeup look is because I like how the red colours from the face was faded out to create a more dimensional and scary look.
Model: Mireia Lopez
To improve this makeup look next time, I will balance the shape on the eyes more and also draw the stitching on the lips more evenly and in details and I will put more red on the lips as well. I do like the effects I've done on the neck which goes from red and then faded out with the white colour. I also like how  I've used purple on the eye area and used black to contour the areas which gives more depth to the eyes and helps the eye makeup to look more three dimensional.

On above is the makeup that Mireia did on my face during the lesson.

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