Monday 20 October 2014

Symbolism - Self portrait

On below, I have asked my friend to take a photo of me which symbolise things about me.
This portrait is like a description of myself now and also things I like to do in my spare time. The reason I choose the library as the location I want to take my photo is because I'm a person who likes to work in a quiet place without any disturb. The reason I edited the photo into a beauty and fantasy effect is because I like designing and use my creativity to design new things. In my spare time, Im interested in watching beauty and makeup tutorials on Youtube, so I have included a computer in the photo with some makeup channels on the screen.
The shopping bag and the coat on the table show that I like to go shopping and especially buying clothes. The bag is from the River Island because it is my favourite place of buying clothes and accessories. The reason I was smiling in the photo is because I'm a positive person, I enjoy what I'm doing and I'm happy about my life.
 In the photo, I was holding a pen and looks like I'm designing things. And yes, I like designing and drawing. Before I go to university, I did A-levels Fine art, Graphic art and Fashion. I enjoy the time when I was studying A-levels with my friends at sixth form. The notebook that I was writing on is one of the thing that I'm currently using most of the times. It is very important to me because I have made notes from the lesson I did at uni and I have also written down many design ideas as well.

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