Monday 10 November 2014

Contemporary interpretations of Elizabethan Makeup

In today's lesson, we were given two images of modern Elizabethan makeup and we have to choose one of them and create a modern Elizabethan makeup look on our assessment partner inspired by the image I have chosen. On below was the image that I’ve chosen in lesson. The reason I pick this photo is because I like how the orange eye shadow, the blush and also the brownish colour lips stand out from the white complexion on the model's face and also how it gives a very soft texture to the look.

ü  Cleanser, toner and moisturizer
ü  Cotton pads
ü  Cotton buds
ü  Clips
ü  An apron
ü  A steel palette
ü  A metal spatula
ü  A sponge
ü  A puff
ü  A pritt stick
ü  Loose Powder
ü  Rich liquid foundation (White base)
ü  A foundation brush
ü  An angle brush
ü  A blush brush
ü  A powder brush
ü  An eye shadow brush
ü  Blush palette
ü  Lip palette
ü  Eye shadow palette
Step 1: Set up the area and get all the products ready. Ask model if she has any allergies and was she wearing contact lenses. Told your model that you are going to wash your hands before getting started. Put the apron on the model. Clip the model’s hair away from the face as not to make her hair greasy and then cleanse tone and moisturize the model’s face before applying makeup. Make sure the eyebrows are clean and dry. You can apply the toner before getting started to make sure the eyebrows are clean.

2: Use the metal spatula to scrape out some glue and put it on the back of your hand. Remember to apply quickly on the brows as the glue will dry quickly. Apply the glue using the metal spatula so the glue will not stick on your fingers.
3: Apply the glue on the eyebrows in opposite directions to the hair growth first and then directions to the hair growth. This will make sure all the areas on the brows are cover with glue and smooth the hairs down (making the brows go flat and smooth). Press hardly on the eyebrows with your finger following the directions of the hair growth, to make the hairs are as flat as possible. Use the cotton bud and wet it with water to remove excess glue around the eyebrows.
4: Repeat applying the glue and press the eyebrows hardly until the hairs are as flat and as smooth as you want it to be. After complete one side of the eyebrow, do the other side as well.
5: Because the pritt stick is smooth, it gives a shiny effect under the makeup so in order to avoid this happen, when the glue is a little bit tacky, apply powder and press on top of it with a puff.
6: Apply the rich liquid foundation (white base) to cover the colours on the eyebrows, face, neck and ears. Because I think after I’ve applied the white foundation on the face, it looks a bit dry, so I have wet the sponge and dip it on top of the base.
7: After that, use the red colour blush on the blush palette and apply it to the apples of the cheeks using a blush brush.
8: I have mixed the pink and yellow colour on the eye shadow palette to create an orange colour eye shadow and I have applied it to the eye lids with an eye shadow brush.
9: Finally, I have applied a brownish red lip colour from the lip palette with an angle brush.
Thoughts about the lesson:
I’m impressed about the modern Elizabethan makeup look I’ve done in this lesson and I really like the colours on the lips and also the eye shadow that I’ve done on my partner. I found the eyebrows that I’ve done this time is better than last lesson. In order to improve next time, I should put a few more layers of glue to smoothen the brows even more as after I’ve applied the white base over the brows, it does not look as smooth and as flat as I want it to be. Also, I can put more white base on the face.
Model: Mihaela Solomei

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