Sunday 9 November 2014

For me, who is the New Elizabethan?

Elizabeth David
c. 1960
Elizabeth David was a British cookery writer who was born in 1913 and died in1992. Her articles and books were strongly influenced on British cooking and the art of home cookery has become popular. Her books and articles are about traditional British dishes and European cuisines. The reason I choose Elizabeth David as the New Elizabethan is because of what she did during her lifetime.

Elizabeth David was born to an upper class family which is the same as Queen Elizabeth I. When Elizabeth David was a teenager, she enjoyed painting and her parents sent her to Paris and studied a course which related to literature, architecture and history. She was able to speak French and German as well which links to Elizabeth I as she liked literature and can speak other different languages. When she went back to England, she socialised with upper class young women and the young English men she met did not appeal to her, so she decided to get better and rather being an artist, she became an actress. After she become an actress, she falls in love and ran off with a married man, but the marriage didn't last long. It is similar to Elizabeth I because it related to the love story of Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley. But the only difference is that Elizabeth I didn't know that Robert Dudley was married already.

In 1942, David has got an infection that affected her feet, so she spent weeks in the hospital and decided to give up her job in the cypher office. Then she moved to Cairo and set up the Ministry of Information's reference library. At that period of time, she met many famous people such as Lawrence, Alan Moorehead, Bernard Spencer, etc. During her time in Cario, she had a number of affairs and several of young men fell in love with her. But David enjoyed to be with them but she did not fall in love. This is similar to Queen Elizabeth I as after the affair with Robert Dudley, Elizabeth I was known as the Virgin Queen and said she won't married anyone. But the difference between David and Elizabeth I is that when David was in her thirties, she worried about being a spinster, so she accepted one of the man call Tony David who proposed to her.

During her lifetime, she has won many awards such as the Glenfiddich Writer of the Year award for her 'English Bread and Yeast Cookery' book, a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1982, a CBE award in 1986, etc. Elizabeth David is revered by many people from nowadays still, just like Queen Elizabeth I as in 2013, her portrait was one of the series of first class stamps issued to celebrate the centenary of ten Great Britains.

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