Tuesday 18 November 2014

Developments on my final design (Eyes and lips)

Design 5
For the eye makeup, I have experimented with different designs and compositions.
1. For the first eye makeup, I have create a smokey eyes effects and I have used a gold colour applying from the inner eyes and extend it below the eyebrows.
2. The second eye makeup also I have created a smokey eyes effects, but this time, I have blended the edges of the black colour to create a softer appearance and extended the gold colour a little bit longer than the first design. I have also dipped the gold colour on the eye bags and start near the lower lash line.
3. For the third design, I have dipped the gold colour onto the whole eyelid, below the eyebrows and also under the lower lash line. Then, I have put the black eye shadow onto the lower lash line and the outer v to create a little triangle shape.
4. For the forth design, I have created a black smokey eyes and I blended the edges around it. For the gold colour, I have extended it onto the eyebrows and nearly half of brows.
I have chosen the forth design for my final design as I like the way how the gold colour extended to the eyebrows and it gives a shaper effects and makes the whole look more powerful and stand out.
For the lip makeup, I have experimented with the compositions of the smudging effects and also where to place the black colour to the lips.
1. For the first lip makeup, I have outlined the lips with black colour to sharpen the edges of the lips and this makes the lip shapes stand out. I have smudged the red lipstick on both side of the lips and they have a similar level. For both side, I have just smudged a small area around the lips and the right one is a little bit bigger than the left one.
2. For design 2, I have used the black colour and outlined on the lower lip, inner lips and also the middle of the upper lip. This time, I have smudged the red lipstick one upper (right) and one lower (left).
3. For design 3, I have just put the black colour on the inner lips and blend it softly with the red colour. I have layout the red smudging lips one bigger than the other.

I have chosen design 3 for my final design because I think it looks more natural among the three designs and I like how I blend the black colour with the red lipstick in the middle to create a gradient and softer effects.

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