Tuesday 18 November 2014

Final Design Look (Facechart and practicing on myself)

Final design face chart
I have gathered the ideas and the developments that I've done from the previous posts and I have created my final face chart on above.
Me with my final design look
I am happy about the final makeup look that I have applied on myself (pictures on above). I think the eggshells work well on my face and also I like how the eggshells are not totally covered with white colour, leaving some original colour of the eggshells which looks like my skin tone. It works even better as the eggshells are used to create a cracking and damage skin effects. I like how I used the white skin, black and gold eye shadow to symbolise wealth and nobility within the makeup. I think the smudging lips work well and I like how I have put the red lipstick more around the side of the lips and blend it out to create a softer texture. On the eggshells, I have used black eye shadow to create the shadows around some parts of the eggshells to give a three-dimensional effects. I like the idea of using white lashes and the colour stands out from the black eye shadow which makes the design more unique. In order to improve, I should put the white base thicker to cover the colour of the eyebrows better.

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