Saturday 29 November 2014

My assessment partner, Mihaela Solomei's final design and ideas

I had an interview with my partner, Mihaela Solomei and I asked questions about her final, what she want to do and also where the inspiration come from so to understand her design more and what she want me to do. On above are the questions and notes that I've written down when we have the interview.

Mihaela's final design face chart
Lana del Rey
Images from Lana del Rey's music video 'Born to die'
Her final design is inspired by 'The Darnley Portrait" and the sitter is Queen Elizabeth I of England. She has chosen a photo of a famous singer and songwriter Lana del Rey as the contemporary inspiration for her design. On her design, she want to create the white complexion which is one of the basic elements on the Elizabethan look. She has designed a heart-shaped contouring on the forehead which links to the heart shape hairstyle that the Elizabethans had. The blue colour from the forehead extend to under the cheekbones and she added pink colour on the forehead to blend the blue and pink colour together to smooth the edges and texture of them. The reason she has chosen the blue colour for contouring and heart shape is because it is inspired by the blue roses on Lana del Reys's head in the image from above and also because the colour blue means conservative, reliable and trustworthy which reflect the qualities and essence of Queen Elizabeth I. She has included a darker pink blusher in order to reflect the Elizabethan rosy cheeks. She has chosen a red lip colour for her design as it is one of the iconic elements of the Elizabethan look and Lana Del Rey as well. For the eye makeup, she has designed four eyeliner which goes above the eyebrows and at the end of each lines, she has put pearls to symbolize the illusion of a crown and royalty. Underneath the eye, she has put more pearls to symbolise purity which also links to Queen Elizabeth I.The image from above shows Lana del Rey is wearing a long white dress and the colour white in Elizabethan era symbolise purity. The two tigers on the sides are used to power and confidence and also the candles at the background are gold in colour which shows a symbol of wealth.

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